
Teaching Numbers: Designing Lesson and Its Resources

          Everything in the world must be prepared and planned well, included a lesson plan before teaching. Lesson plan has important role in learning process. Lesson plan can be made yearly, term, weekly and daily plan. It helps the teacher in controlling class, managing time, and focus to the target of learning that day. It also help the teacher to organize students’ thinking by arranging activities or instructions, to guide them in learning new material easily accordance to their thinking way. So, lesson plan is very helpful not only for the teacher but also for the students. Moreover in learning number which need more focus and concentration.
As a matter of fact, based on school experience program last week, some teachers did not use lesson plan before teaching. According to them, lesson plan is useless because cannot be implemented well. I think, its paradigm is built because of their bad experiences that fail to implement their lesson plan. Unfortunately they did not make it as reflection to be better in designing lesson plan but stop to use lesson plan. In my view there is no lesson plan which useless, it is only inappropriate with the class, students’ characteristic, subject material, etc.
             Seeing so many fact about failed lesson plan, I admit that is not easy to make effective lesson plan but it is not impossible also. A lot of things must be considered in designing a quality lesson plan. We have to know exactly what we want to teach in order to determine specific objectives, activities which will be used, material that we will use in doing assessment and giving assignment to measure the result of learning process. To enhance Mathematical Power, in designing lesson plan we have to give a challenging and interesting task to engage students’ interest and intellect. We also can facilitate them in doing discussion to growth their mathematical ideas. For exploring students’ ability, we can use technology in teaching or giving math project. We also need to use strategy in order to make learning process be more effective. The strategy chosen must be appropriate with students’ characteristic.
            Learning math especially number is identical with serious lecturing. Actually learning about number can be fun with various activities that related with our real life although need higher concentration. Those activities likes math project with using technology, mathematics for secondary school, and writing about mathematics problem.